Eco-Friendly Homemade Cleaning Products

With the current events that are happening around the world at the moment, it can be difficult to source cleaning products, particularly ones that are eco friendly. But, not to worry! We’ve put together some easy recipes for creating cleaning products that you can do at home! All the ingredients are safe and most are common household items!


Here’s a list of environmentally safe ingredients that can be used individually or combined to create cleaning solutions. Majority of household cleaning can be tackled with the following ingredients:


  • Vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Soap
  • Water
  • Olive oil
  • Lemon Juice
  • Alcohol (such as vodka)
  • Cornstarch


While we won’t be using all of these ingredients in the solutions we suggested below, they’re still great ingredients to use for general cleaning!

Drain Cleaner

A great example of how you might combine two of these ingredients for a powerful cleaning is drain cleaner. We all know how annoying it can be to have your shower drain clogged with hair, dirt and all manner of things that end up being washed away during a shower. A really simple solution to make, by pouring half a cup of baking soda down the drain, follow it with half a cup of vinegar. Once you’ve let it sit for 15 minutes, pour some boiling water down the drain to clear any remaining residue. Although you should only do this step if you have metal plumbing rather than plastic pipes!) This helps to break down whatever has collected in the pipes, allowing it to wash down the drain. There you have it! Freshly cleaned drains.


Coffee and Tea Stains

It can be very difficult to tackle tough stains like coffee and tea but not to worry, vinegar to the rescue! Get rid of stains in your mugs and cups by applying vinegar, using a sponge, and wiping away at the stains. You can even thoroughly clean out a tea kettle or coffee maker by combining two cups of water and a quarter of a cup of vinegar in it and letting it boil. One it cools, give it a wipe with a clean cloth and rinse it out well with water. Stains, be gone!



It’s important to keep your kitchen countertops clean, after all, you prepare and eat food off of those surfaces! For surfaces that aren’t granite or marble, an all-purpose vinegar solution is the best option, with an undiluted vinegar solution to disinfect if needed. For granite and Marble countertops, we recommend soap and water as these surfaces are more likely to be damaged by acids like vinegar. There you have it! Sparkling surfaces!

All-Purpose Cleaner

This solution is a simple but effective all-purpose cleaner to use for general cleaning. Start by mixing half a cup vinegar and a quarter cup of baking soda into two litres of water, add in a dash of lemon juice of freshness and off you go! Pair this with a wipe down afterwards using a natural fibre cloth, and you’ll be able to remove dirt, grease and dust without cleaning chemicals.  


Do you have any eco-friendly, homemade cleaning solutions that you like to use? Get in touch and let us know what they are! 

Here at Walter Geerings, we believe in eco-friendly products that are not only luxurious but also better for the planet like our Signature toiletry collection, with bottles made with wheat straw and post-consumer recycled plastic. Find out more about our range and the products that we offer today!


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